Search tips
- To search in a subset of topics, select
in the search field and select a filter.
- To search for a specific word or phrase, add quotation marks around it (example: "budget column") in the search field.
- To remove highlighting on the search terms in a topic, select
- To search within a topic, select
, press Ctrl+F, and enter the search term.
TC1 version
Requests for information (RFIs)

A subcontractor notices that the structural plan view and the architectural plan view have different dimensions for the foundation wall thickness around the stairwell. He creates an RFI to ask which plan is correct. In the same record, you comment that the structural plan has the correct information.

- In the project menu, select Records > RFIs.

Create a basic record in the Create panel, or create a record with detailed information in the full form.
- Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) but aren't enforced for draft records.
- If autonumbering is off, the Number field is editable until the record is saved with a non-draft status. If autonumbering is on, the number is assigned after the record is saved with a non-draft status.

- If the right-side panel is closed in the RFIs module, select info (Information) on the navigation toolbar.
- On the navigation toolbar, select add_circle (Create).
- In the Create panel, enter the record details.
- To change the workflow status, select an option from the list.
- To add assignees automatically if default assignees are set by discipline, select a discipline.
- To add a location, select the Location field, select a parent or child location, and then select Apply.
- In the Responsible Company field, select the name of the company.
- To add an assignment, select Add in the Assigned To section, select the name, and then set a due date.
- To add a courtesy copy, select Add in the Courtesy Copies section, and then select the name.
- In the comments field at the bottom, enter the question, and selectlink (Links) to link items.
- Select Save or Save + Add Another.
Users from the selected company have access to the record.
You can open the full record to enter additional details, link items to it, and share it with other people.

- On the navigation toolbar, select add_circle (Create).
- To open the full form, select aspect_ratio (Expand).
- In the Subject field at the top-left, enter the subject.
- In the Information panel, enter the record details.
- To change the workflow status, select an option from the list.
- To add assignees automatically if default assignees are set by discipline, select a discipline.
- To add a location, select the Location field, select a parent or child location, and then select Apply.
- In the Responsible Company field, select the name of the company.
- To add an assignment, select Add in the Assigned To section, select the name, and then set a due date.
- To add a courtesy copy, select Add in the Courtesy Copies section, and then select the name.
- In the Subject field, enter the subject of the record.
- On the Comments tab, enter a comment, select link (Links) to link items, and then select
- On the Impact tab, enter the details of the potential impact of the RFI resolution.
- To set who has access to the record, select group (Sharing), and then select an option.
- To link an item to the record, select link (Links), select
(Add), and then select the item type.
- To save the changes and keep the record open, select save (Save).
Users from the selected company have access to the record.
When you select (Send) to add the comment to a new record, the record is saved.
To save the changes and close the record, select arrow_back Done.

You can export RFIs to an Excel file where you can edit them and create new ones. Then you can import the file, which can only be used once, back into ProjectSight. If there are any errors, you can review and fix them in a new Excel file.
- Record permissions, field permissions, and workflow status permissions are checked when you export RFIs to an Excel file and when you import the file into ProjectSight.
- In the Excel file, required fields are light red, and read-only fields are light blue.
- To avoid an import error, make sure you enter information in the Resolution field if the Date Resolved and Resolved By fields contain information.
- The Excel file can only be imported into the project that it was exported from.
When you import the Excel file back into ProjectSight:
- If new values were entered after this spreadsheet was exported, your edits are flagged.
- Blank rows and fields are ignored.
- If a non-draft workflow status is selected, and a required field is invalid or empty, the new record remains a draft.
- The Resolution, Date Resolved, and Resolved By fields are updated in the record. If the Date Resolved and Resolved By fields are empty in the Excel file and in the record, the current user and time stamp are used.

- In the RFIs module, filter the records that will be exported to Excel.
- In the Search panel, set the filters.
- To export specific RFIs, select their checkboxes. If none are selected, all the RFIs are exported.
- In the list view, add and rearrange the columns, and then save the custom view.
- On the navigation toolbar, select
(Import/Export) > Export to Excel.
- Open the Excel file.
- On the RFIs tab, enter the RFI details in a new row.
- Edit any existing RFIs.
- Save the Excel file.
- In ProjectSight, open the RFIs module.
- On the navigation toolbar, select
(Import/Export) > Update from Excel.
- Select the Excel file to import.
The Excel file will display the columns for the fields in the list view followed by the remaining fields.
The Excel file contains the required fields and the fields that you have permission to view.

You can copy and paste unlocked cells.

- In the import error message, select Review Errors.
- Review the Feedback column and fix the associated errors.
- Save the Excel file.
- In ProjectSight, open the RFIs module.
- On the navigation toolbar, select
(Import/Export) > Update from Excel.
- Select the Excel file to import.
The RFIs with errors are exported to a new Excel file.