System-required fields and character limits

Throughout ProjectSight, system-required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). You can also add custom-required fields.

  • These lists use the system names and don't reflect any changes made to the nomenclature.
  • When the character limit is reached for a field, the message displays the character limit.
  • Some fields, such as the Notes field in the Project form, don't have a character limit.


Field Character limit Required
Author 150 check
Author Company 100 check
Created On -- check
Discipline 150 --
Drawing Set 255 check
Group 150 check
Number 50 check
Rev. Date -- check
Revision 50 check
Title 255 check
Workflow Status 100 check


Field Character limit Required
Album name 255 check
Photo description 255 --
Photo name 255 check

Spec sections

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 check
Author Company 100 check
Discipline 150 --
Division 150 check
Group 150 check
Issue Date -- check
Revision 30 check
Section Code 30 check
Specification Section Name 255 check
Specification Set 255 check
Workflow Status 100 check



Field Character limit Required
Address 1 100 --
Address 2 75 --
Address 3 75 --
City 50 --
Company 100 check
Country 50 --
E-mail 255 --
Fax 50 --
Location 50 check
Main -- check
State 50 --
Tel 50 --
Toll Free 50 --
Zip 20 --

Units of measure (UOM)

Field Character limit Required
Code 30 check
Description 150 --

Budget group lookups

Field Character limit Required
Code 15 check
Description 150 --


Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Alias ID 50 --
Alias System 50 --
Information Supplied By 50 --
Name 100 check
Title 100 --
Trade 255 --

Certifications tab

Field Character limit Required
Bondable -- check
Bonding Company 100 --
Classification Certified By 50 --
DBE -- check
Federal -- check
Insurance Contact 50 --
Insurance Tel 50 --
Local Union Agreement -- check
MBE -- check
National Union Agreement -- check
Open Shop -- check
Other Classification -- check
Other Labor Type -- check
Other Type of Classification 30 --
Other Type of Labor 30 --
Prevailing Wage -- check
SBE -- check
State -- check
Union -- check
Union Information -- check
VBE -- check
WBE -- check

Crews tab

Field Character limit Required
Default UOM -- check
Name -- check

Legal/Financial tab

Field Character limit Required
D & B Rating 50 --
Dun & Brad No. 100 --
Federal ID Number 50 --
Incorporated In 100 --
Litigation -- check
Our Rating 50 --
Type of Business 50 --


Field Character limit Required
Cell Phone 50 --
Company 100 check
E-mail 255 --
Fax 50 --
First Name 25 --
Home Tel 50 --
Initials 10 --
Last Name 25 --
Location -- check
Middle Name 25 --
Name 150 check
Telephone 50 --
Title 100 --

Lookup lists

Field Character limit Required
Description 150 check


Field Character limit Required
Operated By 100 check
Portfolio Name 200 check


Field Character limit Required
Address 255 --
Company 100 check
Country 150 --
Fax 50 --
Name 255 check
Number 52 check
Prefix 150 --
Province/State 150 --
Region 150 --
Sequence 30 check
Suffix 150 --
Telephone 50 --
Territory 150 --
Type of Building 150 --
Type of Construction 150 --
Type of Contract 150 --


Applications for Payment (AFPs)

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
App Date -- check
Author -- check
Contract -- check
Number 50 check
Period -- check
Reference 255 --
Workflow Status -- check

Contact Information tab

Field Character limit Required
From Company -- check
Title (From Company) 100 --
Title (To Company) 100 --

Detailed Items grid

Field Character limit Required
Item No. 30 check
Description 255 check
UOM 50 --


Field Character limit Required
Alias Code 50 --
Budget Code 150 check
Description 255 check
UOM * -- check

* This field is available if the units and hours setting is on.

Change order requests (CORs)

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Author -- check
Description 255 check
Initiated Date -- check
Number 30 check
Reference 255 --

Contract invoices

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Author -- check
Contract -- check
Inv Date -- check
Number 50 check
Period -- check
Reference 255 --
Workflow Status -- check

Contact Information tab

Field Character limit Required
From Company -- check
Title (From Company) 100 --
Title (To Company) 100 --

Detailed Items grid

Field Character limit Required
Item No. 30 check
Description 255 check
UOM 50 --


Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Description 255 check
Number 30 check
Rules -- check
Type of Contract -- check

Amounts tab

Field Character limit Required
Description 255 --
Item No. 30 check
Material Code 50 --
Notes 255 --
UOM 50 --

Clarifications tab

Field Character limit Required
Item No. 30 check
Reference 255 --

Contact Information tab

Field Character limit Required
First Witness 50 --
Second Witness 50 --
Signature Block Comments 255 --
Title (From Company) 100 --
Title (To Company) 100 --
To Company -- check

Detail tab

Field Character limit Required
Bid 255 --
Payment 255 --
Performance 255 --

General tab

Field Character limit Required
Bid Package 100 --
Exhibits 255 --
Reference 255 --

Cost forecasts

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Author -- check
Contract -- check
If Forecast Type is Contract
Cost Period -- check
If Forecast By is Period
Description 255 check
Financial Column -- check
Forecast By -- check
Number 30 check
Type -- check
Workflow Status -- check

Forecast tab

Field Character limit Required
Allocation -- check

General invoices

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Author -- check
Description 255 check
Invoice Date -- check
Number 50 check
Period -- check
Reference 255 --
Workflow Status -- check

General Invoice tab

Field Character limit Required
From Company -- check

Items grid

Field Character limit Required
Item 255 --
Item No 30 check
PO Item No 30 --
UOM 50 --

Potential change orders (PCOs)

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Create Date -- check
Description 255 check
Number 30 check
Reference 255 --

PCO item popup

Field Character limit Required
(Budget) Allocation -- check
(Cost) Allocation -- check
Description 255 --
Item No. 20 check

Potential Change Items grid

Field Character limit Required
(Budget ) Allocation -- check
(Cost) Allocation -- check
Description 255 --
Item No. -- check

Prime contract change orders (PCCOs)

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Contract -- check
Create Date -- check
Description 255 check
Number 30 check
Reference 255 --
Sequence -- check

Contact Information tab

Field Character limit Required
From Company -- check
Title (From Company) 100 --
Title (To Company) 100 --
To Company -- check

Purchase orders

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Author -- check
Date -- check
Description 255 check
F.O.B 255 --
Number 50 check
Reference 255 --
Terms 255 --
Workflow Status -- check

Items grid

Field Character limit Required
Item 255 --
Item No 30 check
Reference 255 --
UOM 50 --

Subcontract change orders (SCOs)

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Contract -- check
Create Date -- check
Description 255 check
Number 30 check
Reference 255 --
Sequence -- check

Contact Information tab

Field Character limit Required
From Company -- check
Title (From Company) 100 --
Title (To Company) 100 --
To Company -- check


Action items

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Created On -- check
Description -- check
Importance 150 --
Number 30 check
Resolved By 150 --
Resolved By Company 100 --
Subject 255 check
Type 150 --
Workflow Status 100 check


Checklist template

Field Character limit Required
Description -- check
List Values -- check
Module -- check
Name 200 --
Role -- check
Type -- check

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Created On -- check
Location 255 --
Module 150 check
Number 30 check
Revision -- check
Subject -- check
Template 200 check
Template Revision 255 --
Workflow Status 100 check

Approvers tab

Field Character limit Required
Approver 100 --
Company 150 --
Role 100 --
Status 100 --

Items tab

Field Character limit Required
Status 100 --

Daily reports

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Date -- check
Workflow Status -- check


Field Character limit Required
Company -- check
Equipment -- check

Labor card

Field Character limit Required
Company -- check
Crew -- check
Status -- check
UOM -- check

Labor card - Detailed

Field Character limit Required
Classification -- check
Name 150 check


Field Character limit Required
Conditions -- check
Temperature -- check
Time -- check

Drawing sets

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Created On -- check
Group 150 check
Importance 150 --
Name 255 check
Number 30 check
Workflow Status 100 check

Field work directives

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Created On -- check
Description -- check
Location 255 --
Number 30 check
Resolved By 150 --
Resolved By Company 100 --
Subject 255 check
Type 150 --
Workflow Status 100 check


Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Created On -- check
Description -- check
Importance 150 --
Location 255 --
Number 30 check
Resolved By 150 --
Resolved By Company 100 --
Subject 255 check
Type 150 --
Workflow Status 100 check

Meeting minutes

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Date -- check
End Time -- check
Meeting Location -- check
Meeting Name -- check
Purpose of Meeting -- check
Start Time -- check
Workflow Status -- check

Topics tab

Field Character limit Required
Created On -- check
Description -- check
Status -- check
Topic # 50 check

Notices to comply

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Created On -- check
Description -- check
Importance 150 --
Location 255 --
Number 30 check
Resolved By 150 --
Resolved By Company 100 --
Subject 255 check
Type 150 --
Workflow Status 100 check

Punch items

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Created On -- check
Description -- check
Importance 150 --
Location 255 --
Number 30 check
Resolved By 150 --
Resolved By Company 100 --
Type 150 --
Workflow Status 100 check

Requests for information (RFIs)

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Created On -- check
Discipline 150 --
Importance 150 --
Last Modified By 255 --
Location 255 --
Number 30 check
Question -- check
Resolved By 150 --
Resolved By Company 100 --
Subject 255 check
Workflow Status 100 check

Safety notices

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 --
Author Company 100 --
Case Number 50 --
Created On -- check
Description -- check
First Aid By 50 --
Importance 150 --
Location 255 --
Number 30 check
Reference 255 --
Resolved By 150 --
Resolved By Company 100 --
Responsibility 50 --
Safety Code Regulation 255 --
Safety Jurisdiction 100 --
Subject 255 check
Type 150 --
Workflow Status 100 check

Specification sets

Field Character limit Required
Author 150 check
Author Company 100 check
Group 150 check
Issue Date -- check
Number 30 check
Specification Set 255 check
Workflow Status 100 check

Submittal packages

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Author -- check
Author Package Number 100 --
Created On -- check
Description 255 check
Number 30 check
Revision 30 check
Spec Section -- check
Trade 255 --
Workflow Status -- check

Package Items grid

Field Character limit Required
Item number 30 check


Field Character limit Required
Created On -- check
Description -- check
Number 30 check
Revision 30 check
Spec. Sub Section 150 --
Subject 225 check

Transmittals and correspondence

Information panel / Common areas

Field Character limit Required
Author -- check
Date -- check
Number 30 check
Other 255 --
Type -- check
Workflow Status -- check

Detailed Items grid

Field Character limit Required
Item No 30 check
Reference 155 --

Transmittal tab

Field Character limit Required
Tracking Number 100 --

File Library

Field Character limit Required
Description 255 --
Last Modified By 255 --
Name 255 check
Type 10 --