Data synchronization

You can work in ProjectSight for iPad without connecting to the internet. The next time your iPad is connected, you can sync your project data to ensure that your ProjectSight products have the latest information.

The data that you add while you're out in the field is assumed to be the latest, so the changes from ProjectSight for iPad overwrite the data from ProjectSight for the web. To see the overwritten information, you can check the record's History tab in the web application.

  • If a field is changed more than once in ProjectSight for iPad before it's synced to the web application, only the final change is uploaded and noted on the History tab.
  • If the record is already locked in the web application, changes such as new comments and assignments aren't uploaded. They may also remain in the record in ProjectSight for iPad.
  • If a drawing status is changed to Obsolete in the web application, the drawing is no longer available in the iPad application after syncing.
  • The date and time of new and edited items in the activity stream are updated to reflect the local time when they were synced.