Create security roles and permissions

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Before inviting users to your project, create the roles that they will have in your project. A security role is a set of permissions that is assigned to users. When you change the permissions for a role, all the users in that role are affected. For your convenience, your portfolio has default security roles that you can customize.

To learn more about permissions that are required for specific actions, refer to the permissions guide in the online help.

Goal: Create a custom security role.

  1. On the project selection page, select settings (Settings) on the portfolio or project tile or row.
  2. —Or—

    In the project, select settings (Settings) on the banner.

  3. In the Portfolio settings section of the menu, select Security roles.
  4. Security role setting in menu
  5. On the row of a default security role, select more_horiz (More) > Copy.
  6. —Or—

    On the toolbar, select add_circle (Create).

    Security role tabs
  7. In the right panel, enter a name and description for the security role.
  8. Security role and description fields
  9. On the Features, Records, Team Management, and Fields tabs, add or remove permissions.
  10. Security role tabs

Administrators: Ready to invite users to your project?

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