Upload your specifications

Free version

You can upload and publish your project specifications. Create a specification set first and upload your specifications (.pdf files) into it.

Goal: Upload and publish a specification.

  1. In the Records section of the project menu, click Specification Sets.
  2. Open specification set
  3. On the navigation toolbar, click add_circle (Create).
  4. Create specification set
  5. Drag the photos to the upload area, or click Browse to select the photos.
  6. Enter the information for the specification set, and then click Done.
  7. Enter specification set information

    During processing, the spec sections are detected automatically from the bookmarks in the uploaded files, or if no spec sections are found, they are identified from the text in the files.

  8. After the processing is finished, click the specification set to open it.
  9. In the Specification Sections panel, click Publish All Sections.
  10. Publish All button


    Click the Batch Edit button, select the spec sections, and then click Publish Selected.

    Publish Selected button
  11. In the Publish Specifications dialog, set the publishing notification.
  12. Publish notification
  13. Click Publish.
  14. You published your specifications! Your team members can view them in the Specifications module.

    Specifications module in project menu