Collaborate with specifications

TC1 version

Go version

Explore the Specifications module, which allows you to manage project specifications. When you're ready to upload and publish spec sections, follow the steps below.

Create a specification set

A specification set groups spec sections together. You need to first create a specification set and upload documents (.pdf files) into the specification set.

During processing, the spec sections are detected automatically from the bookmarks, or if no spec sections are found, they are identified from the text in the files.

Edit specification sets

You can enter or edit information for the spec sections and the specification set.

Create a new spec section

If the specification document wasn't broken down into the correct spec sections, you can add section breaks to create new ones in the specification set.

Remove a spec section

When you remove a spec section, its content is not deleted. The content is merged with the next section (if the first section is removed) or with the previous spec section.

Add an annotation

You can add annotations and comments to communicate with other team members.

Publish spec sections

You can publish spec sections so that they're available to your team members in the specification viewer.

View the published spec sections

In the specification viewer, you can review the published spec sections and add annotations and comments.

Upload and publish a revision

You can upload and published new spec section revisions. The revisions must be uploaded in a new specification set.