Record workflow statuses

The workflow status of a record determines if:

  • The record is a draft.
  • The record is locked. The fields are read-only and can't be edited in ProjectSight for iPad.
  • If the record is already locked in the web application, changes such as new comments and assignments aren't uploaded. They may also remain in the record in ProjectSight for iPad.

  • Record participants receive an email when the workflow status changes while the notification setting is on in the web application.

iPad Legacy App

Legacy iPad does not support restricted workflow statuses. If you select the Restricted status permission in the Workflow tab of Portfolio Settings in Legacy iPad, you cannot sync. However, if you select the Unrestricted status, record level permissions are used, and you can sync your work. If you want to use a restricted workflow state on your mobile device, you must use the new ProjectSight app on version 2.19 or later.